Reaching a pure place

Out beyond ideas of right-doing and wrong-doing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.

GingerBlossoms yoga in the orchard.11:00 Sundays until the end of October.

Back to basics

Whenever your health feels unsettled, adhere to the sivananda philosophy of five pillars of yogic living-right exercise, right breathing, right thinking, right nutrition and right relaxation. Visualize yourself in good health, meeting all life’s challenges.

The Right Kind Of Nurturing

Be careful what you water your dreams with. Water them with worry and fear and you will produce weeds that choke the life from your dream. Water them with optimism and solutions and you will cultivate success.

Love is all around

The Buddhist meditative practice of metta, or loving kindness, has four stages. First, the meditator directs loving kindness toward themselves. Then they switch it toward someone they feel love for already. Next, they transmit the loving-kindness toward someone to whom they feel neutral. And finally toward all beings, everywhere, without distinction. This is the perfect exercise for expanding the heart and finding that the capacity to love is infinite.

Mirror be quiet

Feeling good is worth far more than looking good- and it makes you attractive in itself. So if you’re enjoying yourself in company, resist the temptation to check your appearance in a mirror- if you do, you may be over-critical. Why subject yourself to this distorting scrutiny? The real you is the one looking out with vitality, not the one looking back with anxiety.

A free gift

Occasionally in our everyday life we’ll receive from a stranger a smile that surprises us by its openness and generosity- as if from a heart overflowing with goodwill. Value such smiles as precious gifts- and return them. Smiles bring the beauty of a giving heart to a giving face.

Truly your own

Finding your path can be difficult, but yogis believe that once you’re on it, life becomes simpler and more peaceful. It’s advisable not to simply follow someone else’s path, for the ultimate result may be dukkha(suffering). Ponder your life path. If it feels like it’s on loan, it may not be right for you.

Just be

Salvation is in the truth and in being.


Hold a true friend with both hands.

Thursday yoga at Northwind 9:00

You and I are essentially infinite choice-makers. In every moment of our existence, we are in that field of all possibilities where we have access to an infinity of choices.

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