Healing ourselves.

In this world, hate never yet dispelled hate. Only love dispels hate. This is the law, ancient and inexhaustible.

– Buddha

One of the most difficult things about healing from being hurt by others is how to put wounds to rest when those who have hurt us will not give air to the wound, will not admit to their part in causing the pain. I have struggled with this deeply. Time and again, I find myself confusing the want for justice with the need for a witness of the wound.

Physical wounds are hard to miss, but emotional wounds are seldom visible. This is why they must be looked at and acknowledged if we are ever to heal.

” I acknowledge and I am sorry for your pain”

The above(minus the last line) is from The Book Of Awakening. Peace.


It is a sign of intimate friendship when speech flows from the heart; without intimacy, the flow is blocked. When the heart has seen the sweetheart, how can it remain bitter? When a nightingale has seen the rose, how can it keep from singing?

How are you tending to the emerging story of your life?

Aside from the feeling of integrity or satisfaction that comes over me when I can fully be myself, I am finding that being who I am- not hiding any of myself- is a necessary threshold that I must meet or my life will not evolve. It is a doorway I must make my way to or nothing happens. My life just stalls.

The Moment Of Dawn

There’s a sun in every person- the you we call companion.
It is essential to realize and embrace the paradox that while no one can go through your journey for you, you are not alone.Everyone is on the same journey. Everyone shares the same pains, the same confusions, the same fears, which if put out between us, lose their edges and so cut us less.